White thrilled to win amateur title

By Mike Love, Harness News Desk

Oamaru farrier and track worker Barry White has been successful in the 2023 New Zealand Amateur driving championships over the weekend, labelling it a career highlight.

“It’s quite a thrill. Leading into it you can only dream of getting enough points, but to then go on and win a couple of heats and then a third – I’m pretty rapt.” White told Harness Unhinged’s Nigel Armstrong.

White didn’t score any points in the opening held at Cambridge on Thursday night, but won with Shards Fury at Addington on Friday night to go to second equal, three points behind leader Michelle Northcott.

Then at Addington yesterday he won again, this time with the Steve and Amanda Telfer trained-Precious Belle.

“She went good. I had to go miles too soon. I could see there were some not travelling so good ahead of me, so I thought I better get out and get going.”

Precious Belle was able to knock off the Jo-ann Buckland-Stevens driven Judgement Bay short of the line to win by three quarters of a length.

After doing the calculations, White needed to finish in the top four in the final heat on his drive Santanna Mach, for trainer Michael House, to secure the title.

“He went good. Felt really strong on the corner turning in, and I thought I might have a crack at this … he battled away good.”

Santanna Mach ended up in third placing, which was enough to secure the title for White , who’s day job is being the farrier and track worker for Oamaru trainer Matthew Williamson.

New Zealand Amateur Drivers Championship final standings:

Barry White 18

Jo Buckland-Stevens 12

Cheree Wigg 12

Warren Rich 11

Michelle Northcott 10

Neil Munro 8

John Kriechbaumer 7

Frank Phelan 6

Colleen Negus 4

Kevin McClintock 2

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