Tony’s triumph with Temporale

By Michael Guerin

Tony Cameron’s greatest driving success couldn’t have come at a better time.

The 33-year-old reinsman recorded the biggest win of his career when Temporale nosed out former stablemate Bolt For Brilliance in the Greenlane Cup at Alexandra Park last Friday.

Being a Group Three it was the richest win of Cameron’s career and came on one of his favourite horses.

“He is a great horse and it was a real thrill to beat a up and coming superstar like Bolt For Brilliance,” said Cameron.

But to drive that winner was even more special for Cameron as he became a father last week, with his partner Georgia giving birth to their little daughter Indy.

“It was a pretty amazing week so to get that win after Indy was born meant a lot to me.

“She has actually spent a week in the hospital but we are hoping she can come home tomorrow (Wednesday). It is a very exciting time.”

While Bolt For Brilliance was the hot favourite Temporale’s win was popular as he has long been a northern trotting favourite and, having given the favourite a 10m start, there was no doubt he earned the win.

But it was even more popular because of Cameron, a long-time employee of Tony Herlihy. Temporale’s win was Cameron’s 104th, with 34 of those coming on trotters.

Cameron has overcome plenty of real life drama to make it in the industry, being struck down with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma a decade ago, something he is now thankfully clear of.

He has been given plenty of opportunities by Herlihy and also by Temporale’s trainers Michelle Wallis and Bernie Hackett and has repaid them by improving his craft every season to the point he seems at home in the tough school of open Alexandra Park races.

“I love the driving and I’ve always wanted a group race win.

And he is such a lovely horse to drive. I thought Bolt For Brilliance had fought back to beat us, especially with Tony on.

“So the way it has worked out, with Indy having arrived, has been wonderful.”

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