NZTR’s Single National System Update #1

Dear participants,

As with many industries, the Thoroughbred industry in New Zealand is within a period of change. These positive moves include New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing’s (NZTR’s) 7 reshaping projects, as released to Clubs and Recognised Industry Organisations last week. Further, NZTR is also replacing its racing management system (software). NZTR has purchased the Single National System (SNS) software from Racing Australia (RA). This is the same software used by all Principal Racing Authorities in Australia.

A project is currently underway with Racing Australia to implement this new software within NZ. The Single National System will be used by both NZTR and external participants. Behind the scenes there is immense work underway between NZTR & Racing Australia. The implementation of the Single National System is not a project where you simply pick up one programme and transfer it to a new device. This is a detailed data migration project which includes a number of customisations to “New Zealandise” certain areas the software for our racing industry.

What is the Single National System Project and why are NZTR doing it?

Currently external participants use NZTR’s Racing Management System, which is made up of Members & Trainers online service centre portals. These are accessed through NZTR’s website LOVERACING.NZ. Notably, Trainers & Breeders utilise these online service centres to manage their activity within our industry (nominations, withdrawals, gear requests, naming a horse, stable returns etc). Internally, NZTR use the Racing Management System for all areas of our business, including our finance system.

NZTR recognised it was not an IT company, so investigation into options were conducted over a period of time. In August 2020 the NZTR Board signed off on replacing NZTR’s Racing Management System with the same product that all Primary Racing Authorities in Australia use. This system is provided and supported by Racing Australia and is called the Single National System (SNS). The project began in September 2020.

What does the Single National System mean for Industry Participants?

NZTR will be steering the transformation to the Single National System. Within this transformation, our industry will start to align itself with some of Australia’s racing rules and regulations. This alignment to other best practise jurisdictions provides benefits and drives efficiencies for NZ. NZTR and Racing Australia have agreed on a list of customisations that will be specific to NZ and tailor the system to our needs.

It’s not just NZTR staff who use the current Racing Management System. All participants who use NZTR’s National Racing Bureau or use one of NZTR’s online service centres (ie, Members or Trainers Service Centre) will need to migrate to the equivalent within the Single National System. This will be conducted via education, training, and on-going support for all participants by NZTR.

NZTR’s National Racing Bureau team will still be available by phone and email, however, as part of our change to the Single National System we will be working with participants, educating them about how to use and migrate to our online services.


NZTR’s current Racing Management System requires replacement due to Microsoft Access no longer being supported.
The Single National System Agreement between Racing Australia and NZTR was signed in August 2020. The project began in September 2020
NZTR and Racing Australia agreed on a list of customisations that will be specific to NZ and tailor the system to our needs.
Communication, Education & Training programs are being developed
Until this change is implemented racing industry participants will continue to use the service portals accessed through LOVERACING.NZ (this website has a dedicated information section for external participants).
Improvements through technology will take all participants on a journey to a new platform within our Industry. Thank you for being part of this change.

If you have any feedback, questions or concerns please contact:

Michelle Dando
SNS Training & Engagement Specialist

Ngā mihi nui,

Michelle Dando
SNS Training & Engagement Specialist

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