Katie Cox Appeal – How you can help

Top horse woman, trainer, driver and ex show jumper has been surprisingly diagnosed with an aggressive form of lung cancer (primarily effecting young female non smokers) after going to the doctor a month ago for a cough and initially being prescribed antibiotics.

Katie is only 33 years old and this has come as a shock to her and all that know her.

The only option at this stage is to use the private healthcare system to access the specific targeted drugs that are having very good success overseas managing this condition. The first medication that is recommended is well over $100,000 and unfortunately additional recommended ones are a lot more expensive that that.

This is a rare form of cancer that will need a lot of fighting and this is where YOU CAN HELP.

Whatever with Wiggy Charitable Trust has set up an account where all funds raised will go to Katie’s support in this journey.

Ricky May, Craig Wiggins and Bruce Taylor as trustees to this appeal will ensure your donations go directly to Katie to use as she needs to pay for treatment or other expenses involved.

Please deposit any donations small or large into the following account…
Whatever with Wiggy Charitable Trust CC59951
Katie Cox Appeal
Please use the reference Katie
Anonymous donations please use Anon in the reference.

This is a totally unexpected illness and very rare so all help will be gratefully received…


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