Kane Jones Appointed Bloodstock Sales Manager

New Zealand Bloodstock is pleased to announce the promotion of long-term employee Kane Jones, who has been appointed to Bloodstock Sales Manager. 

Responsible for managing NZB’s bloodstock interests, Jones fills the position vacated by Danny Rolston who moved to the Hong Kong Jockey Club in June of last year.

“Kane has continued to develop into an outstanding and integral part of the NZB team,” commented Managing Director, Andrew Seabrook.

“He is very well-liked by his peers, as well as having immense respect from our vendors and buyers.

“We know he’ll do an excellent job for both the NZB team and our clients,” he said.

Jones, who has been with the company since 2009, is excited by his new appointment.

“It’s an opportunity I’m very appreciative of and a challenge I’m thrilled to take on,” he said.

“I love the industry and am very much looking forward to leading the bloodstock team into the future.”

Jones will take up his new role as Bloodstock Sales Manager immediately.

For bloodstock enquiries, Kane Jones can be reached by calling +64 27 274 4985 or emailing Kane.Jones@nzb.co.nz.

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