Brownes settling into Cranboune life

Former Kiwi trainers David and Emma-Lee Browne are enjoying their move to Cranbourne and are looking forward to spring racing with their team.

While they are still in the building stage of their Australian operation, they already have a few exciting youngsters on their books.

“We are building at this stage,” David Browne told Bensley.

“We have got about 30-odd (horses), so we are sitting at a nice number, and we are ticking away nicely.

“The horses are coming along nicely and are starting to put their best foot forward.

“We have got a fair amount of support from the horses we brought over from New Zealand.

“We have got a lot of nice two-year-olds that will hopefully step up to nice three-year-olds in the spring.”

David Browne got a taste for Cranbourne after campaigning a small team in Victoria last spring, which included Border Leicester, who won over 3600m at Bendigo last week.

“He relished those real staying trips. Once they become more testing he is always there in the finish,” Browne said.

Browne is also buoyant about the prospects of Group Three winner Elephant ahead of his spring assignments.

“He is coming along really nicely. He is a lot stronger this year then he has ever been,” Browne said.

“He feels great under saddle and has been working well. He had his first quicken-up on Tuesday and he felt really good.

“We are hoping to get him to a jumpout around the 20th of this month.”

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