Bolt expected to bounce back for TAB Trot

By Michael Guerin

One of the reasons for Bolt For Brilliance’s below par spring has been revealed.

After returning with a brilliant win at Alexandra Park after 10 months off the scene, the former Rowe Cup winner never hit his true peak on his southern campaign that left trainer-driver Tony Herlihy scratching his head.

Bolt For Brilliance didn’t appear to be breathing well when he ran fourth in the Dominion and vet checks back in Auckland failed to diagnose why.

It was only when Herlihy was able to get a scope that it was discovered the top trotter had an entrapped epiglottis.

“It many ways it was a relief to discover what was wrong,” says Herlihy.

“And when you think he has had that bothering him but he was still able to run fourth in the Dominion we are hoping having surgery means he can come back to his best.”

The entrapped epiglottis surgery involves the flap being lasered off and Bolt For Brilliance will be back in work soon and should still be good to take the slot his connections have bought in the TAB Trot at Cambridge on April 12.

“I am very confident he will be back for that and I will probably keep him up here in the lead up to that.”

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