Dogs to follow – Shima Shadow, Rapidfire Girl and Mepunga Loaf

Form expert Dale Code has picked out a selection of greyhounds to follow from around Victoria. You may even want to add them to your Blackbook account.

Breeding: June ’21 Bernardo x Shima Song
Trainer: Tom Dailly (Anakie)
Record: 7 starts 5-0-0

Dale says: Shima Shadow is a potential superstar who made a big statement when he ran down gun sprinter Unleash Collinda in a heat of the Group 2 Ballarat Cup recently.

He has won five of his seven starts and shown he can either lead or come off the speed to win posting elite times along the way.

Shima Shadow is yet to turn two years of age and the son of boom sire Bernardo appears set for stardom.

Best traits: Sustained speed
Ideal draw: Box 8
Ideal distance: 525 metres


Add Shima Shadow to your Blackbook HERE

Breeding: January ’21 Barcia Bale x Wynburn Lucifer
Trainer: Brett Hare (Greendale)
Record: 14 starts 5-1-2

Dale says: Rapidfire Girl is a greyhound on the rise that is going to win her fair share of races around the provincial circuit.

Armed with a great turn of speed, she will be hardest to beat when she draws out wide as her box manners are a little tardy but she makes up for them with her exceptional acceleration.

Best traits: Serious turn of foot
Ideal draw: Box 8
Ideal distance: 425 metres


Add Rapidfire Girl to your Blackbook HERE

Breeding: August ’21 Fernando Bale x Mepunga Spectre
Trainer: Jeff Britton (Anakie)
Record: 7 starts 2-0-1

Dale says: Mepunga Loaf has only had seven starts for two wins and one third, but his improvement is rapid which has coincided with the step up to middle-distance racing.

Mepunga Loaf has made a few mistakes in his races, but he clearly has the talent and scope with further improvement to turn into a more than handy middle-distance performer.

Best traits: Sustained speed
Ideal draw: Box 1
Ideal distance: 650 metres


Add Mepunga Loaf to your Blackbook HERE

Dale Code is a professional form analyst and son of champion Melbourne Cup-winning trainer, the late Judy Hayley.

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